Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Construction Accidents Involving Cement Burns

Jul 15, 2022 @ 10:15 AM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
Tagged with: Construction Accidents Burn Injury

Construction is widely recognized as one of the most dangerous fields of work, due to the large number of construction accidents that occur each year. When people think of construction accident injuries they often imagine falls, crush injuries, or electrocution. Although it is not one of the most common types of construction accident injuries, cement burns can be very painful for workers.

Construction accident lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP, in White Plains, NY, know that cement burns should not be taken lightly. They work with victims of construction accidents involving cement burns to hold liable parties accountable for the damages caused by these injuries.

How Does Cement Burn the Skin?

Many people associate burns with extreme heat, but the damage caused by cement burns is the result of a chemical reaction.

Cement contains many potentially harmful chemicals, including potassium, sodium, and calcium oxides. When dry cement is mixed with water, the chemicals have a reaction that creates alkali hydroxides that can have a pH level of 12 or 13. The human skin only has a pH level of 5.5, so contact with wet cement can cause chemical burns.

Signs of a Cement Burn

One of the dangers of cement burns is that they do not often cause pain or signs of damage right away. Because workers are likely to be unaware that a burn is developing, they may continue to expose the skin to wet cement. This can lead to more severe damage.

The first signs of damage may be minor skin irritation. As the condition worsens, people may notice more obvious effects, which could include:

Anyone who notices changes in the texture, color, or feel of the skin following contact with cement should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

How Severe Are Cement Burn Injuries?

As with any other type of construction accident injury, the severity of cement burns varies in each situation. The longer that a person is exposed to wet cement, the more damaging a burn is likely to be.

Some of our White Plains clients suffer minor to moderate injuries that heal in a timely manner without causing any long-term side effects. In extreme cases, damage from a cement burn can be so catastrophic that an amputation is required.

Damages for Cement Burn Injuries

If another person or party is responsible for a construction accident that results in cement burns, our lawyers can assist injury victims in holding them liable for the physical, emotional, and financial losses related to the injury. Depending on the circumstances of each case, our White Plains clients may be due compensation for:

Contact Our Team of Attorneys

If you have suffered damages from a construction accident resulting in cement burns, the lawyers at Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP, can determine if you are due financial compensation for your losses. To discuss your case with our legal team, send us a message online or call (914) 686-3700 to request a consultation.