Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

Construction Accidents and Cranes

May 15, 2019 @ 02:15 PM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
Tagged with: Construction Accidents Work Injury Workers Compensation Wrongful Death

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were 4,674 private industry workers were killed in on-the-job fatalities in 2017. Of that number, 971 were in construction, which is just over 20 percent. Numbers like these are why Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP helps victims and surviving loved ones following construction accidents that caused catastrophic injury and fatalities. Our White Plains, NY law firm is here to help.

Crane accidents at construction sites must be taken especially seriously given the potential for debilitating injuries and death. Let’s consider some statistics on crane accidents and discuss how our lawyers can help.

Statistics on Crane Accidents

According to numbers compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 220 deaths from construction crane accidents from 2011 to 2015. Of that number, 217 fatalities were men. The highest number of annual deaths was 48 in 2014. Texas had the most crane fatalities during this period (40), followed by Illinois (12), Florida (11), California (10), and Pennsylvania (10).

Of these fatalities, 42 percent took place on private construction sites. A total of 112 deaths involved individuals being struck by an object or equipment at the worksite; of these incidents, 69 involved a worker struck by a falling object.

Risk of Catastrophic Injury and Fatalities

Given the nature of construction cranes and the reasons injuries occur, workers and bystanders tend to experience catastrophic harm. This includes broken bones, head trauma, brain damage, serious lacerations, paralysis, and the loss of limbs. Many of these injuries are life-threatening if not immediately deadly.

If a worker survives a crane accident, the road to recovery can be difficult. Months may be required to recuperate from injuries, and even then, the worker may not be the same. This could mean the end of the worker’s career, and the need for new job training or reliance on disability benefits.

Who Is Liable for a Crane Accident?

Determining the liable party in a crane accident will involve noting the exact nature of what occurred. When you meet with our catastrophic injury and wrongful death lawyers in White Plains, we will go over the events of the accident and note all evidence available. Supervisors may be negligent if they forced their employees to work in poor weather conditions. The manufacturer of the crane may be liable if defects in the crane contributed to the accident.

Help with Civil Lawsuits Against Negligent Parties

In cases of negligence by construction companies or the makers of construction equipment, our lawyers can help with personal injury or product liability litigation, respectively. These lawsuits will seek damages to cover financial losses, and potentially punish the liable party for their recklessness and negligence.

Assistance with Denied Workers’ Compensation Claims

Our lawyers can also help accident survivors collect workers’ compensation benefits if they were wrongly denied with an initial claim. We want to make sure injured workers have people they can turn to when the system presents hurdles to getting the benefits they deserve.

Contact the Attorneys of Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

If you would like more information about your legal options after you or a loved one has been harmed in a crane accident, be sure to to contact our skilled work injury and catastrophic accident lawyers. The the Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP team can be contacted in White Plains at (914) 686-3700.