Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP

How Wrongful Death Lawsuits Cover Loss of Income

Apr 1, 2017 @ 03:00 PM — by Worby Vecchio Edelman, LLP
Tagged with: Wrongful Death Damages

The loss of a loved one can leave you and your family heartbroken. In the immediate aftermath of the tragic loss, the future may be uncertain, even when it comes to immediate plans. If you have lost a loved one due to another person or party's negligence, our team of White Plains wrongful death attorneys can help.

Our legal team would like to consider the loss of future income from a deceased spouse or relative and why this is crucial in many wrongful death lawsuits.

The Loss of Income Can Lead to Many Hardships

If you lose a loved one in an accident or unfortunate incident of some sort, it can have a major impact on your life and the lives of other family members. This is particularly true if the person who was killed was a breadwinner in the household. The loss of that income or even of a secondary income can change your living situation and your plans for the future. College funds may be in jeopardy and rent or mortgage payments may become more difficult to make.

This is why wrongful death lawsuits take into account the various issues that are linked to the loss of a loved one or close relative. Material losses as well as the emotional hardships are important to consider when seeking justice against a negligent party.

Damages in Wrongful Death Lawsuits

In wrongful death cases, two kinds of damages may be sought:

When it comes to the loss of income and future earnings of a loved one, this is covered by compensatory damages.

Calculating Compensatory Damages

Calculating compensatory damages is relatively straightforward as it involves adding up receipts, bills, and invoices to determine the amount lost materially as a result of the loss of a loved one. While this is straightforward with funerary costs and medical expanses, estimating future wages can be a little more challenging.

When it comes to estimating the lost future income, lawyers will note pay stubs from their job to assess his or her earnings at the time of their death. Estimates can then be made with regard to the loved one's career and career path, including the average wages earned by someone with your loved one's experience. All efforts will be made to make accurate and fair estimates.

How a Wrongful Death Attorney Can Help

Wrongful death cases can be quite difficult. The raw emotions involved can lead you feeling on edge or exhausted. Taking time to do legal paperwork and research the law may be the last thing on your mind as you attempt to grieve and move forward in daily life with dignity. By working with an attorney, you can achieve peace of mind and focus on the grieving process. A lawyer can handle the filings and offer guidance as you case progresses. This is often better than going it alone.

Learn More About Wrongful Death Lawsuits

For more information about your legal options following the loss of a loved one, be sure to contact our team of experienced attorneys today. The lawyers at our firm are here to provide expert legal guidance during difficult and trying times.