Medical Malpractice Injuries
Even though your doctor may have an excellent reputation, that does not mean that he or she cannot make a mistake. In one case that our firm successfully handled, a young man had fractured his leg. He was placed in a cast from his toes to his thigh. Within a few days, our client was experiencing terrible pain at the fracture site. He called his orthopedist and was told to return to the doctor's office. When our client consulted with his orthopedist, he was told that it would take a few weeks for the pain to go away and pain pills were prescribed. Our client, having full faith in his doctor, went home and took the pain medication. Unfortunately, the pain continued. After a few weeks, the client returned to the orthopedist and at this point, the doctor removed the cast to see why the client was still having pain. To the doctor's surprise, the client's entire leg had exhibited severe infection because the cast was too tight. As a result, a portion of the client's leg had to be amputated. The reason was that the doctor negligently did not remove the cast when the patient originally complained about the pain. The attorneys at Worby Groner Edelman have prosecuted thousands of cases and have received excellent results. Hopefully you will never need our services in this regard. But if you or anyone you know are injured through the negligence of a physician or hospital, please give us a call. We will be happy to answer any questions that you have. Remember, there is never a fee unless we are successful!